The purpose of the program is to provide a nutritious meal to persons age 60 or older, and their spouses of any age, and to provide socialization to reduce isolation. The program consists of hot and frozen congregate and home-delivered meals, and is funded through a combination of federal, state and local funding sources. Income is not considered.
In addition to a noon meal and socialization, programs and activities are planned such as structured fitness and exercise classes; day trips and outings to local points of interest; educational programming; fun and games; computer classes; music and dance; language classes; arts and crafts; among other creative programs. Those interested in the Nutrition Program must be approved. Transportation to Congregate Meal Sites is available upon approval for those who cannot drive. To learn more about the program and approval process, please reach out to us at 864.242.9733 or 1.800.434.4036
Contributions are accepted toward the cost of the meal, which are put back into the program to purchase additional meals. Centers normally operate Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The programs are located in such places as senior centers, churches, and community and recreation centers.
Meals on Wheels- Andersonphone: 864.225.6800 Senior Centers of Cherokee Countyphone: 864.489.3868 Senior Action (Greenville County)phone: 864.467.3660 |
SENIOR Solutions (Oconee County)phone: 864.225.3370 Meals on Wheels - Pickens Countyphone: 864.855.3770 Spartanburg Regional Foundation (Spartanburg County)phone: 864.560.6761 |
In addition to congregate meals, home-delivered meals is another aspect of the nutrition program. These meals are provided in Cherokee and Oconee counties--in Cherokee County, contact Senior Centers of Cherokee County (864-489-3868), and in Oconee County, contact SENIOR Solutions’ Oconee Senior Center at 864-885-1000.
Home-delivered meals benefit persons who are 60 years of age and ill and incapacitated; unable to leave home unassisted except for medical and other essential appointments; due to disability unable to purchase and/or prepare food; not have anyone in the home who is unable to prepare meals on a daily basis. A spouse of any age in the home also qualifies.
Persons living outside of Cherokee and Oconee counties are mostly served by local Meals on Wheels/Mobile Meals. They can be contacted as follows:
Meals on Wheels - Anderson105 South Fant Street Cherokee Meals on Wheels403 West Montgomery Street Greenville Meals on Wheels15 Oregon Street Greer Mobile Meals738 South Line Street Extension |
Pickens County Meals on Wheels349 Edgemont Avenue Clemson Meals on Wheels397 College Avenue Mobile Meals of Spartanburg419 East Main Street |
This program is funded under Title III-C of the federal Older Americans Act, and state and local funds.
Persons 60 years of age or older, and their spouses of any age.
In addition to a noon meal and socialization, programs and activities are planned such as
structured fitness and exercises classes; day trips and outings to local points of interest;
educational programming; fun and games, computer classes; music and dance; language classes; arts and crafts; among other creative programs.
Contributions are accepted toward the cost of the meal, which are put back into the program to purchase additional meals.
Usually, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
In such places as senior centers, churches, and recreation centers.
Contact one of the following service providers in the county in which you live:
Meals on Wheels - Anderson (Anderson County) – Phone: 864.225.6800
Senior Centers of Cherokee County (Cherokee County) – Phone: 864.487.2726
Senior Action (Greenville County) – Phone: 864.467.3660
SENIOR Solutions (Oconee County) – Phone: 864.225.3370
Pickens County Seniors Unlimited (Pickens County) – Phone: 864.878.0172
Fifty Upstate (Spartanburg County) – Phone: 864.621.9738 or 864.560.6761 | Email: yharper@fiftyupstate.org | Website: www.fiftyupstate.org
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