The Government Services Department provides a wide variety of leadership development, technical support, and human resource services to city and county governments in the Upstate of South Carolina. The Department’s staff provides hands-on expertise, cost-effective consulting services, and serves as a one-stop resource for questions and solutions.
The role of Government Services Division is to provide informative and practical services to local governments in the region. Given the current economic climate and general changes in the services that are provided by local governments our division can assist your organization is various different ways to allow you to deliver services to your citizens in a practical and pragmatic way.
Our ServicesGeneral Government ServicesOur Government Services department can aid your organization with planning and organizing council and board retreats, orientations, FOIA, A-Tax, H-Tax, LOST, TIF Development, and succession planning. Personnel ServicesPolicy & Procedure Manuals, FMLA & FLSA updates, Employee handbooks, HR Management Services. Specialized and Technical ServicesOur staff can assist your organization with special purpose agreements, department analysis, and employee searches. Organizational and Staffing AnalysisThe Appalachian Council of Governments will help and/or conduct organizational and staffing analysis. We will analyze the structure of the government, the number of employees, the various needs by departments, and the quality of service deliver. Recommendations will be made regarding chain of command, reorganizations, relocation of employees, hierarchy, span of control and the like. Recommendations will be made on how to streamline processes and conduct business more efficiently and effectively. |
TrainingsManagement & Supervisory TrainingThe Appalachian Council of Governments is pleased to announce the upcoming course entitled Introduction to Management and Supervision. The program is a combination of excellent materials produced by the International City/County Managers Association and the skilled facilitation of the ACOG staff who are familiar with this region and its particular needs. This course will include discussion of basic supervisory skills in such areas as communication, the skillful use of invaluable resources, employee selection and training, employee evaluation, motivation and relating to different personality types. Sexual Harassment/Hostile Work EnvironmentIt is extremely important that all organizations stay up-to-date with this issue. In this litigious world everyone needs to be extremely careful to be non-offensive, and to look out for the well being of the employees. Court cases will be discussed to demonstrate this issue from start to finish. Questions such as what it is sexual harassment, how it is alleged, how do you prevent it from occurring in your organization, conducting investigations, and appropriate courses of action are addressed. Customer ServiceAll governments are concerned with the way their employees treat and react with citizens. The class will focus on how to deal with irate customers, body language, how to answer the telephone, how to help citizens and the like will be discussed. |
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